I don't think transactions are being imported into Fund Manager
Issue: I don't think transactions are being imported as they should be into Fund Manager, how do I resolve this?
Solution: If you import online transactions from a third party, such as ParentPay or sQuid, you will need to ensure that your pupil data is up-to-date and you have mapped all relevant unmapped transactions..
Importing from ParentPay
From the ParentPay menu in Fund Manager:
- Use Map Names to map any new names that have been imported from ParentPay to names in Fund Manager.
- Use the Unmapped ParentPay Transactions report to view transactions that have not been mapped.
- Use Map Accounts / Payment Items to view any ParentPay accounts that have not yet been mapped in Fund Manager.
Note: There may be transactions that you don't want to map - in this case you can 'hide' these.
Warning! Before mapping any unmapped accounts, check these first with your primary Fund Manager user.
For more information, see our online topic Importing ParentPay transactions automatically using the integration tab.
Importing from sQuid
From the sQuid menu in Fund Manager
- Use Map Contacts to map any new names that have been imported from sQuid into Fund Manager.
- Use Pending Import to view transactions that will be imported from sQuid offers into accounts in Fund Manager.
If transactions are greyed out this is because you haven't yet mapped the offers to accounts.
Note: There may be accounts you do not want to import transactions from and you would leave these unmapped.
- Use Map Offers to Accounts to match sQuid offers to Fund Manager Accounts.
For more information, see our online topic Using sQuid with Fund Manager.