Contact Us

If you can’t find the answer you need, you can contact us in the following ways*:

Intercom Open a chat with us from within Fund Manager.
Telephone 0845 310 1788

Calls to 0845 numbers are 3p per minute from BT landlines.

Charges from other networks vary - check with your phone carrier.

*You MUST provide certain information in order for us to help you.

Information we need
What? Example Why?

What are your contact details?

School Name and Post Code
Your Name and Telephone Number

In order to contact you we must be able to identify you on our database. We can't do this if you only provide a name and telephone number to us.

You must provide the School Name and Post Code. Without these details we won't be able to identify and help you.

Note: It is your responsibility to ensure that Pebble has the correct current school email address on the system or we will be unable to contact you.

What is your FM licence type?


Helps us to identify the product you are using.

What is your PC Operating System?

e.g. Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Helps us to identify the version of operating system the product is running on.
What browser are you using?

e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari

Helps us to identify if there is any associated browser issues contributing to the query.
What your query is about? I can't print end-of-year reports Gives us an understanding of the issue you are experiencing.

For response times see the Service Level Commitment for Fund Manager.



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