Splitting payments and receipts

You can split a receipt or payment across any number of accounts and a receipt across any number of names. This is useful, for example, if you have received money from a parent for two children at the same school who are going on different trips.

When you click Save on the transaction, if the transaction Type is Cheque or Direct Credit for Receipts or Cheque or Direct Debit for Payments, then a yellow bar appears at the top of the window. For example:

  1. Click split this Receipt or split this Payment.
  2. Select the Account over which the Amount is being split.
  3. If a Receipt, select the Name the Amount is to be recorded against.
  4. Enter the Amount you want to split from the original Receipt or Payment.
  5. Click Split Receipt or Split Payment - if you have finished the split then Finished or click Split Receipt or Split Payment to split further if required.
  6. Continue splitting until the Balance is shown as Zero or you have finished splitting, then click Finished.
  7. Note: You must always click the Split button at least once before you Finished.

  8. Click Finished to complete the split.




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