How do I refund a Joinos parent who has paid through Nochex?

Nochex is an online payment service provider which works together with Joinos to provide a seamless experience for parents making online payments to the school. You can find more information about refunding payments through Nochex on the Nochex Support Site here.

Nochex have made refunding overpayments easier than ever because you can now search for the Fund Manager order Reference number within Nochex, so you can have confidence that you are selecting the right payment to refund.

In the Nochex Account Control panel:

  1. Go into Transaction History.
  2. Select Advanced Search.
  3. Select the new tab SFM Order Reference.
  4. Enter the Order Reference.

If you have any further queries about using Nochex, please check out their knowledge base here or email them at




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