Exporting Receipts from Fund Manager to ParentPay automatically

Issue: I want to process a Receipt in Fund Manager and then export some or all of my cash, cheques and direct credit transactions from Fund Manager to ParentPay so parents can see what they have paid.

Solution: Create a link between Fund Manager and ParentPay using the ParentPay tab in Fund Manager. You will need help from Support to use this for the first time.

  1. Within Fund Manager go to ParentPay > Map Accounts/Payment Items.
  2. Choose Set Primary Payment Item.
  3. Note: This second tab behind the Match Payment Items tab needs to be activated by Support if you do not see this.

  4. Using this tab Set Primary Payment Item you can match the Account Code (from Fund Manager) on the left with the corresponding Payment Item in ParentPay.
  5. Note: Please be aware that you can only choose to map one Payment Item to one Fund Manager Account; you might have several Payment Items mapped to one Account Code in Fund Manager on the Match Payment Items tab but you cannot export back in the same way.

  6. Ignore any Payment Items that you do not want to map, for example, parents do not need to see what has been paid by cash, cheque etc.
  7. Click Set Primary Payment Items to confirm selection.
  8. Note: You can only choose Payment Items that have Choose a Payment Item in the dropdown.

  9. Once you have matched these Payment Items, cash, cheques and direct credits will export from Fund Manager to ParentPay.
  10. Important! Do not enter these transactions in ParentPay as well or you will duplicate your transactions.




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